
Friendship is the best relationship next only to the Family system that a person should have to lead a more meaningful life in this world.

The quality and quantity of your friendship also determine the level of your success and happiness of your life.

Quantity refers to the number of friends you have and the Quality represents the support and contribution  made by your friends.

People boast of having  a huge network of friends as a symbol of social status: but the quality will be lacking  as reflected by the formal interactions.Only lip service with bad intentions lying inside their mind.  

Many people think friendship is only for gaining or earning money. Sorry, they are of selfish and self-centered  nature: such friendship cannot long last and are bound to come to an  end at any moment.

Some people take the  friendship for granted and they anticipate their friends to help them without reciprocation.

But, true friendship is the one that always gives out and doesn't expect anything in return.
One step further, a Good friend tolerates all the pains in making  the Bad friend into a Good fellow.

The Chinese proverb says, "Even two can sleep on a tamarind leaf if they are true friends."

My haiku  on Friendship.         

"  East or west, the Best Friendship
    bears and beats  the of Life's hardship.   " 

Let us set an example to be a Good friend to others and then expect others to conduct like that.